A puzzle dungeon crawler where you have to switch bodies to progress.
(Gamejam - GMTK 2021)
Waypoint Editor Tool
A tool I made to easily give a path to an entity
AR Duel Disk Controller
Making a working duel disk using Arduino, ESP, Unity, Bluetooth and RFID (WIP)
School Projects
Here are some projects that I made on school:
Point-and-click Adventure
Battle Arena
Coding my own special move
A school game jam
A Xbox minigame designed for a boardgame
Ominous Obstacles
Couch party game
Monster Massacre
Topdown 3D Twin Stick shooter
A bit about myself
My name is Kyle and I am 23 years old! In my spare time I like to experiment with new game ideas I have. I also am one of the leaders of a childrens scouting group (7 to 12). I help the children develop themselfs and I also organize activities for them.
E-mail : kylevdboom@hotmail.nl
I read my e-mail once a day.
Have a
Waypoint Editor Tool
An artist friendly waypoint tool
I wanted to make a waypoint tool for a really long time. Finally I did it!
I made this tool non-developer friendly so that it can be used by different team members.
This is a promotional video that I made for my product
A point-and-click adventure and my first group project.
Hullbreach is a point-and-click adventure game. It is the first project that I did in a team and it was really fun to do. A teacher on our school programmed the engine.
Ominous Obtacles is a runner game. You have 2 teams: The runner and the ghosts.
One player runs trough a house full of ghosts and tries to get on the other side. The ghosts posses traps and try to kill the player. This is a project that I've done with 3 artist and 1 other developer. We had our downsides, but in the end we made it! I made the trap switching for the ghosts, activating the traps, resseting the traps, the ghost playercontroller.
Humans that became monsters trough lab-experiments
In this project we got a few broken assets. School also gave us a broken character controller, so it was our job to rework the game in a way that everything worked again. I made the monsters AI and a waypoint system where you can set the priority of a waypoint.
Date: June 2017
Team Project
Battle Arena
A project where we had to made our own ultimate move.
In this project we were provided with a level and a working character who could fight. The only thing it didn't had was a special move. I programmed it in such a way that both players start the fight with Gilles de la Tourette. You can control the impulses while rapidly pressing X on your controller, this means you would have to choose between walking around while having random impulses or pressing X rappidly to hold in your impulses
Plane-Away is a party minigame made. This minigame is part of a giant boardgame and will be played if you land on a certain square. Every team had to make a minigame for this boardgame, using only a Xbox controller for input. I made the player controller and the game manager
Date : December 2018
Team Project
Engarde my enemy!
This was really fun to make. I love rythm games but I never made one myself. We had 1 week to make this so originally we wanted to make 3 levels. Downside is that we had only one week so we had only time for 1 level since I had never made a rythm game before. I had a lot of fun learning the mechanics.
I got a cardboard disk from my friends and that got me thinking if I could rebuild it into a controller..
I connected my ESP32 to the Arduino so that the Arduino can handle input data and the ESP32 can handle Bluetooth data.
Each card has an ID. The RFID sends the ID of the card to the Arduino. The Arduino will then send the card ID and which slot it is in to the ESP32 The ESP32 will then proceed to convert this data to bytes and send it to Unity. Unity will check the ID and by the use of an Scriptable Object, will place the correct model in the correct slot.
In addition, I've made a few designs on how I want to build it.
Progress video:
Here are a few design pictures:
Date : September 2019
Solo Project
Tip Of The Tongue
Relax and take it easy.
I joined this gamejam together with my former internship supervisor and an artist who we've met on the spot. Luckily everything worked out in the end and right now we are actually working on a full version of the game. I designed the puzzles and programmed the music tracks that depending on which note you pick up, will make a track louder or softer. I also programmed the unlocking of the doors. These doors will only unlock when you insert the right note.
I joined this gamejam together with 3 friends. We learned a lot about communication in this project and are proud of what we delivered.
I programmed the rooms that turn around like a big clock and the rewinding when you press play. I also made the sound track for the game.
I participated in this gamejam in a team with 5 other developers. Making a game in a short time with a big team is a challenge on its own and I believe we handled it pretty well. The only part I made in this was the switching to other levels. In this gamejam I focused more on design related things, like designing puzzles and building levels.
The purpose of this project was to introduce new investors and clients to the innovative technology Accenture has to offer.
There are many demos you can try out for yourself at their office. Each time a new client came in they had to explain everything,
so they wanted an application that could explain the new clients all their demos through Augmented Reality.
First I did this projects together with an UI/UX designer. Later in the project we got another UI/UX designer and an artist to support
us even further in the development.
The idea of this project is that there is a City in need of some innovation.
In the City are 5 main buildings that need help. You help each building by going to the demo
they think is going to innovate their business (for instance: The train station will ask you to go to the blockchain technology demo). When you accept this offer a Quest will start.
When you arrive at the demo a special mission will start. Here you will learn the technology the demo provides together with the citizen that gave you the Quest. This special mission is an interactive experience where you follow some steps. Each step will give you an explanation of the use of this technology.
If all the steps are finished, the Quest will be completed and you will now have knowlegde of how this technology works.
When you return to the City you will see that the City has grown. Each time you complete a Quest, the building where you got the quest from will upgrade into a more advanced place. Showing the user that you can grow .
This video above shows an interactive AR experience explaining the Blockchain technology.
This video above shows a small piece of the interactive AR experience with a smart plant. This plant can water itself when its dry.
Internship date : February 2020 - June 2020
Team Project
Cocktail Machine Prototype
Get a cocktail without having to do it yourself!
I wanted to do a project that included data sending towards Unity through bluetooth. I talked to my supervisor about it and we
made up a project that will help Accenture and will help me get more knowledge.
My job was programming an application and machine that you can make cocktails with. Now... this wasn't something i've done before.
I had only ever worked with the Arduino once. I didn't had so much knowledge on sending data trough bluetooth from Unity to an Arduino, but I really like learning new things and this was a great opportunity to show my skills.
So I started designing the machine. It had to have 6 pumps so that you can mix between 6 different bottles. Every slot had his own ID in code so that I could easilly assign bottles to it. The whole machine runned on an ESP32. This ESP32 will handle the pumps and will send a signal back to the application when its done.
The application was made in Unity for Android and iOS use. The application was connected to a database. As a start you needed to pair your application with the machine through bluetooth. When this was done you enter the application where you can design you own cocktails, go inside the machine its settings or make a cocktail from the database.
This is the menu where you can make your own cocktail. You put every ingredient in a line. These ingredients will then be added into a database.
How the program is designed is actually very simple. I'll explain it in 6 steps! 1. If you have selected your cocktail, Unity will send that cockails name to the database. 2. When the database has found the cocktail it will send a message back to Unity with the recipe and the amount to pour. 3. Unity will then convert this message to bytes. These bytes will then be transfered to the ESP32 by the use of bluetooth. 4. The ESP will turn the bytes that have been received back into a string so that it is easy to debug.
5. If the bottle that is needed for the cocktail is assigned to ESP, then the amount that is needed will be poured into a glass using a food graded liquid pump. If all the ingredients where poured in a message will be send back to Unity. 6. This message will be converted to bytes once again and will be converted back into a string inside Unity.
Bluetooth Manager UNITY C# Data Sender UNITY C# Cocktail Machine ARDUINO C Cocktail Getter PHP (gets the cocktail from the database)